Kawato Selected Papers
Revised: January 16, 2018
1. Watanabe T, Sasaki Y, Shibata K, Kawato M: Advances in
fMRI real-time neurofeedback, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21(12),
997-1010 (2017)
*online publication
2. Yahata
N, Morimoto J, Hashimoto R, Lisi G, Shibata
K, Kawakubo Y, Kuwabara H, Kuroda M, Yamada T, Megumi F, Imamizu H,
Nanez JE, Takahashi H, Okamoto Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Sasaki Y,
Watanabe T, Kawato M : A small number of abnormal brain
connections predicts adult autism spectrum disorder, Nature
Communications, 7:11254
(2016) *online
3. Megumi F,
Yamashita A, Kawato
Imamizu H: Functional
MRI neurofeedback training on connectivity between two regions induces
long-lasting changes in intrinsic functional network,
Frontiers in
Human Neuroscience, 9(160), doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00160 (2015) *online publication
4. Morimoto J, Kawato M: Creating the brain and interacting with the brain: an integrated approach to understanding the brain, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(20141250), doi: 10.1098/rsif.2014.1250 (2015) *online publication
5. Shibata K,
Watanabe T, Sasaki Y, Kawato M: Perceptual
learning incepted by decoded
fMRI neurofeedback without stimulus presentation, Science, 334(6061),
1413-1415 (2011)
6. Kawato
M: From
" Understanding
the brain
by creating the brain" toward Manipulative Neuroscience." Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal
Society B, 363, 2201-2214
7. Tanaka
K, Khiroug L, Santamaria F, Doi T, Ogasawara H, Ellis-Davies G, Kawato
M, Augustine GJ: Ca2+
requirements for cerebellar long-term
synaptic depression: role for a postsynaptic leaky integrator. Neuron 54, 787-800 (2007)
8. Kawato M, Samejima K: Efficient
reinforcement learning: Computational Theories, Neuroscience and
Robotics. Current
Opinion in
205-212 (2007)
9. Haruno M, Kawato M: Different neural correlates of reward
expectation and reward expectation error in the putamen and caudate
nucleus during stimulus-action-reward association learning. Journal of
Neurophysiology, 95, 948-959 (2006).
10. Bursztyn
LCD, Ganesh G, Imamizu H, Kawato M, Flanagan R: Neural
of internal model loading. Current
2440-2445 (2006)
11. Doi
T, Kuroda S, Michikawa T, Kawato M: Insoitol, 1, 4,
threshold dynamics detect spike timing in cerebellar Purkinje Cells. Journal
of Neuroscience, 25,
950-961 (2005).
12. Sato
M, Yoshioka T, Kajiwara S, Toyama K, Goda N, Doya K, Kawato M:
Bayesian estimation for MEG inverse problem. NeuroImage,
23, 806-826 (2004).
13. Caithness
G, Osu R, Bays P, Chase H, Klassen J, Kawato M, Wolpert DM, Flanagan
to consolidate the consolidation theory of learning for
adaptation tasks. Journal
Neuroscience. 24, 8662-8671 (2004).
14. Schaal
S, Sternad
D, Osu R, Kawato M: Rhythmic
movement is not discrete. Nature Neuroscience, 7, 1137-1144 (2004).
15. Schweighofer
Doya K, H.
Fukai, Chiron JV, Furukawa T, Kawato. M: Chaos
may enhance
information transmission in the inferior olive. Proc
Natl Acad
Sci USA., 101,
4655-4660 (2004).
16. Haruno M, Kuroda T, Doya K, Toyama K, Kimura M, Samejima K, Imamizu H,
Kawato M: A neural correlate of reward-based behavioral learning in
caudate nucleus: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of a
stochastic decision task. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 1660-1665 (2004).
17. Osu
R, Hirai S,
T, Kawato M:
presentation enables subjects to adapt to two opposing forces on the
hand. Nature
Neuroscience, 7, 111-112 (2004).
18. Burdet
E, Osu R, Franklin D,
T, Kawato M: The central nervous system
stabilizes unstable
dynamics by learning optimal impedance. Nature,
414, 446-449 (2001).
(c) Macmillan Magazines
19. Imamizu
H, Miyauchi S, Tamada
Sasaki Y, Takino R, Puetz B,
Yoshioka T, Kawato M: Human cerebellar
activity reflecting an acquired internal model of a novel tool.Nature,
403, 192-195 (2000).
Macmillan Magazines Ltd.
20. Atkeson CG, Hale J, Pollick F, Riley M, Kotosaka S, Schaal S,
Shibata T, Tevatia G, Vijayakumar S, Ude A, Kawato M: Using humanoid
robots to study human behavior. IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue
on Humanoid Robotics, 15, 46-56 (2000). (c) IEEE.
21. Kawato
M: Internal
models for motor
control and trajectory planning.Current
Opinion in
Neurobiology, 9, 718-727 (1999).
(c) Elsevier Science Ltd.
22. Wolpert
D, Kawato M: Multiple paired
forward and inverse models for motor control.Neural Networks,11,
1317-1329 (1998). (c)
Elsevier Science Ltd.
23. Gomi
H, Kawato M:
control hypothesis examined
by measured arm-stiffness during multi-joint movement. Science, 272, 117-120
24. Shidara
M, Kawano K, Gomi H,
Kawato M: Inverse-dynamics model
eye movement control by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Nature, 365, 50-52
25. Kawato M, Hayakawa H, Inui T: A forward-inverse optics model of reciprocal connections between visual cortical areas. Network: Computation in Neural systems, 4, 415-422 (1993).
26. Kawato M, Gomi H: A computational model of four regions of the cerebellum based on feedback-error-learning. Biological Cybernetics, 68, 95-103 (1992).
27. Kawato M, Furukawa K, Suzuki R: A hierarchical neural-network model for control and learning of voluntary movement. Biological Cybernetics, 57, 169-185 (1987).
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