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Only publications in English.
You can get information on my publications in Japanese in Japanese page.
Journal papers
- 17.
- T. Fukai, ,T. Kimoto, M. Doi and M. Okada:
Coexistence of uncorrelated and correlated attractors
in a nonmonotonic neural network.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,
32, No.30, 30 July, pp. 5551-5562 (1999).
- 16.
- M. Kawamura, M. Okada and Y. Hirai:
Dynamics of selective recall
in an associative memory model
with one-to-many associations.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
10, No.3 May, pp. 704-711 (1999).
- 15.
- T. Aonishi, K. Kurata and M. Okada:
A statistical mechanics of an oscillator associative memory
with scattered natural frequencies.
Physical Review Letters,
82, pp. 2800-2803 (1999).
- 14.
- Y. Yamaguchi, K. Fukushima and M. Okada:
A neural network model for
associative recall of maps.
Systems & Computers in Japan,
29 pp. 386-394 (1998).
- 13.
- K. Mimura, M. Okada and K. Kurata:
Associative memory model with forgetting process
using nonmonotonic neurons.
IEICE Transaction on Information and systems,
E81-D, pp. 1298-1304 (1998).
- 12.
- K. Mimura, M. Okada and K. Kurata:
Robustness to noise of associative memory
using nonmonotonic analogue neurons.
IEICE Transaction on Information and systems,
E81-D, pp. 928-932 (1998).
- 11.
- M. Okada, T. Fukai and M. Shiino:
Random and systematic dilutions of synaptic connections
in a neural network with a nonmonotonic response function,
Physical Review E, 57, pp. 2095-2103 (1998).
- 10.
- K. Fukushima, Y. Yamaguchi and M. Okada:
Neural network model of the spatial memory:
associative recall maps,
Neural Networks, 10, pp. 971-979 (1997).
- 9.
- M. Okada:
Notions of associative memory and sparse coding,
Neural Networks, 9, pp. 1429-1458 (1996).
- 8.
- K. Mimura, M. Okada and K. Kurata:
Capacity of autocorrelation associative memory with
quantized synaptic weight,
Systems & Computers in Japan,
27 pp. 55-63 (1996).
- 7.
- M. Okada:
A hierarchy of macrodynamical equations for associative memory,
Neural Networks, 8, pp. 833-838 (1995).
- 6.
- M. Ohno, M. Okada, K. Fukushima:
Neocognitron learned by backpropagation,
Systems & Computers in Japan,
27 pp. 55-63 (1995).
- 5.
- K. Fukushima, M. Okada, K. Hiroshige:
Neocognitron with dual C-cell layers,
Neural Networks, 7, 41-47 (1994).
- 4.
- A. Kotani, K. Okada and M. Okada:
Theory of 3d-XPS and
-XAS in Ce
Solid St. Commun., Solid St. Commun.,
64, pp. 1479-1482 (1987).
- 3.
- A. Kotani, T. Jo, K. Okada, T. Nakano, M. Okada,
A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli and J. C. Parlebas:
High energy spectroscopy in Ce and La compounds,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 70, pp. 28-32 (1987).
- 2.
- A. Kotani, M. Okada, T. Jo, A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli
and J. C. Parlebas:
Many body effect in inner shell photoemission and
photoabsorption spectra of La compounds,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan., 56, pp. 798-809 (1987).
- 1.
- A. Kotani, M. Okada and T. Jo:
Many body effects in core level spectra
of Lanthanum compounds,
Phys. Scripta, 35, pp. 566-569 (1987).
- 3.
- T. Kimoto and M. Okada:
Mixed state on a sparsely encoded associative memory model,
- 2.
- K. Toya, M. Okada and K. Fukushima:
Bi-stability of mixed states in neural network
storing hierachical patterns,
- 1.
- T. Aonishi and M. Okada:
Accelaration effect caused by the Onsager reaction term
in a frustrated coupled oscillator system,
Book chapter
- 1.
- H. Shouno, K. Fukushima and M. Okada:
Recognition of Handwritten Digits in the Real World by Neocognitron.
In Jain and Lazzerini (Eds.),
Intelligent Techniques in Character recognition: Practical
Applications. CRC Press, (1998).
- 5.
- The 17th AVIRG
(Audio-Visual Information Research Group) award.
- 4.
- Award for encouragement of young scientist
from department of biological and physiological engineering,
Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)
in 1997.
- 3.
- Award for encouragement of young scientist
from Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS) in 1996.
- 2.
- Best research award
from JNNS in 1995.
- 1.
- Best research award
from JNNS in 1993.
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Masato Okada
1999年11月15日(月) 16時03分43秒 JST