==== CNS96 (Computational Neuroscience) meeting ==== ==== (July 14-17) in Boston, MA, USA ==== Effects of Medial Septal Lesions: Implications for Models of Hippocampal Function John J. Boitano, Guido Bugmann, Raju S. Bapi, Susan L. McCabe, Carl P. J. Dokla, Michael J. Denham Abstract Data from two experiments on the effects of medial septal lesions on spatial learning and reversal learning are presented. The medial septal lesions impair reversal learning but not performance in the standard Morris water maze test. These results indicate that the medial septal inputs are mainly involved in relearning, or possibly in the control of interference between novel and familiar memories. To simulate the behavioral effects of medial septal lesions, a neural network model not only needs to produce global behavior but must also comprise details of the septohippocampal connectivity. Useful aspects of current computational models are reviewed in this light.