Senior Researcher
Department of Dynamic Brain Imaging
Brain Information Communication Research Laboratory Group
ATR Institute International

Current Research: Computational neuroscience and Brain-inspired AI

On visual system:

On memory system:

Publication list

Research Outline


Personal Activities

I have been enjoying since my childhoold playing European classical music with the piano. My recent favorites are French modern pieces, especially, Debussy and Ravel.

Here are some of my performances on YouTube.

I won a few prizes at competitions:

Previous Research

Many people are astonished, but I'm originally from "hard-core" computer science. I used to work on applying discrete mathematics such as automata, logic, and type theory to the design and implementation of novel programming languages in the direction of helping programmers in safety, productivity, and efficiency. My main target in this research direction was to use theory of tree automata to the design of type-safe programming languages specialized to processing XML data. The project ended in 2010.


Foundations of XML Processing: The Tree-automata approach (Cambridge University Press)


My favorite quotes

"... the process of acceptance will pass through the usual four stages:

  1. This is worthless nonsense.
  2. This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view.
  3. This is true, but quite unimportant.
  4. I always said so."

--- J.B.S. Haldane (1963)