Filling-in Induced by High-contrast Edge Adaptation: Demos
presented at Vision ScienceS Society Meeting 2001
Disappearance of a low-contrast disk by adaptation to an alternating high-contrast
Fixate to one of the white dots (use the other one for the next trial to
avoid cumulative aftereffects).
Click the green button to start adaptation to an alternating high-contrast
disk (8 sec).
Immediately after the adaptation, the low contrast disk appears again.
Can you see the disk?
Adaptation by edge
A similar disappearance/filling-in can be observed with an adapting disk
without the fundamental luminance component, suggesting that adaptation
only to the edge may lead to this global filling-in effect.
Brightness illusion by edge adaptation
Now, the test stimulus contains a small square (fixation, in the center). After adaptation, you may only see a dark square on a homogeneous background. Note that physically, the inner square has the same luminance as the background.