Gamma correction is a procedure to linearize this relation by filtering desired color values with the inverse function. This is not a minor calibration. The luminance generated by a frame buffer value [200 200 200] is not twice as high as [100 100 100]. It can be over four times! This is a MUST for quantitative psychophysicists, especially for those who use sine gratings or graded luminance levels. You are not qualified to refer to luminance in your papers unless you know the gamma of your monitor!
% script to compute a gamma table
% by Yuki Kamitani 12-7-99
% ---- data, [col1 lum1; col2 lim2;...] ------------
measTest = [ 50 6.25 ; 100 12.5; 150 18; 200
32; 250 50];
% --------------------------------------
%%%% put your data into 'meas'
meas = meaTest;
maxIndex = 255; % +1 = total num of indices
indexNormal = [0:0.001:1]';
maxLum = meas(size(meas,1),2)
% You can select a fitting method with the last argument
% see help for FitGamma in Psychophysics Toolbox
[out1 params1 message1] = FitGamma(meas(:,1)/maxIndex,
meas(:,2)/maxLum, indexNormal, 1);
plot(maxIndex*[0:0.001:1]', maxLum*out1);
hold on;
scatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,2));
% create a gamma-corrected table
% Inverse function is calculated numerically
% independent of fitting curves
orgTable = [maxIndex*indexNormal maxLum*out1 ];
correctedTable = [];
for i = 0: 255
eqLum = i * maxLum/maxIndex;
numTable = max(find(orgTable(:,2) <= eqLum));
correctedTable = [correctedTable ; i round(orgTable(numTable,1))];
% confirm linearity
linearTable = [];
for i=0:255
numTable = max(find(orgTable(:,1) <= correctedTable(i+1,
linearTable = [linearTable; i orgTable(numTable,
2) ];
plot(linearTable(:,1), linearTable(:,2)');
gammaValue = params1(1)
Alternatively, you can also use 'correctedTable' calculated above ,
which does not depend on fitting methods.
written by Yukiyasu Kamitani,
Last Modified: Dec 11, 1999