Combined Virtual Arm, Grasp Simulator and Action Recognition Network
This integrated system is composed of a kinematics model of 19 DOF arm, a set of grasp generation routines and a simplified version of the mirror neuron system model published. The hand can generate three types of grasping movements to objects at various locations. In turn mirror neuron model can use the 'hand state' (the relation of an hand to a target object) trajectory to determine the type of the grasp. Enjoy the  kinematics simulation of grasping and the response of action recognition.

Support Vector Machine implementations
Here you can find the classifiction and regression application of support vector machines with polynomial and graussian kernels (both with adjustable parameters). Draw a  2D function by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse and click KA-SVM to perform the regression.
SVM regression applet: Draw a  2D function by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse and click KA-SVM to perform the regression. You can choose the kernel and kernel parameters on the left panel.
SVM classification applet: Choose your classes by clicking on Class 0 or Class 1 then draw your data points using the mouse. Click KA-SVM to perform the classification. Use Iteration gadget to set the epoch size for each click.  You can choose the kernel and kernel parameters on the left panel.
Neurobench is a simple web accesible tool I implemented for visualization and analysis of neurophysiological time series data. I used the for visualizing mirror neuron data. Unfortunately mirror neuron data from Rizzolatti labs is not publicly accesible.
Neurobench1.0 (publicly accesible, with sample data)
Neurobench2.0 (restricited access, due to private data)