Inverse Talairach and AC-PC tranform

Inverse Talairach and AC-PC tranform.

  1. Click on the [Meshes]->[Load mesh...] menu item.

    In the "Open" dialog, select file and click "Open" button. FILENAME:MRI_TAL_LH_RECOSM.srf


  2. 3DTools window(MRI.vmr) make active by clicking.


  3. Switch to [Talairach]tab, click "Load.Tal" button.

    In the "Open" dialog, select file and click "Open" button. FILENAME:MRI_TAL.tal


  4. Click on the [Meshes]->[Mesh Transformation options...] menu item.

    attention : Surface model window must be activated.

    Mesh Transformation options

  5. In appearing "Mesh Transformation options" dialog, click "Un-TAL" button.

    Surface model changes.


  6. Click on the [Meshes]->[Mesh Transformation options...] menu item.

    attention : Surface model window must be activated.

    Mesh Transformation options

  7. In appearing "Mesh Transformation options" dialog, click on the [File]->[Load.TRF] menu item.

    In the "Open" dialog, select file and click "Open" button. FILENAME:MRI_ACPC.trf


  8. Check "Apply backward" , and then click "OK" button.

    Surface model changes.

    undo AC-PC

  9. Click on the [Meshes]->[Save mesh...] menu item.

    In the "Save As" dialog, enter filename and click "Save" button.
    attention : Surface model window must be activated.

    Save mesh

  10. Similar operation must be done about FILE:MRI_TAL_RH_RECOSM.srf.

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