Supplemental Materials and Simulation Demos
Keiko Tanaka, Leonard Khiroug, Fidel Santamaria, Tomokazu Doi, Hideaki Ogasawara, Graham Ellis-Davies, Mitsuo Kawato, and George J. Augustine: Ca2+ Requirements for Cerebellar Long-Term Synaptic Depression: Role for a Postsynaptic Leaky Integrator.' Neuron (2007) 54, 787-800.
Download the paper [PDF file:1.05MB]

Supplemental Materials
Illustration of reaction models in GIF format
Model Parameter Tables
Download Supplemental Materials [PDF file:1.51MB]
Simulation Demos
simulation demos
Minimum set of simulation demos and GENESIS/kinetikit [tar.gz file, 1.25 MB]
Extracted files of the minimum set