My Motivation

My motivation is to research how to strengthen the human mind. This is because, in my sports experience, I learned that the mind critically impact performance in various aspects.
Furthermore, to make higher quality of life, we have to aware the importance of our mind and strengthen the mental raher than develop science and technology of the environment. Because, although to look only economic indicators our quality of life becoume good, the number of mental disorders is increased in recent year and mental aspencts would rather becoume bad.
Because, it is difficult to say that the truly society is rich in not paying attention to mental aspects of the individual, I want to contribute to society to study how to strengthen the human mind.
Therefore I am very interested in human brain which make a human mind and I hope study how to strengthen the human mind from cognitive neuroscience view.
I hope cooperating with the medical and sports sciencetist by my engineering and informatic science background.

My Ideal

My ideal researchers is who have a relationship with field, and provide the new results and knowledge in the field.
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