Common waveform estimation (CWE) toolbox

Common Waveform Estimation (CWE) toolbox is a suite of MATLAB functions to estimate waveforms common across trials. From single/multi-channel EEG/MEG epochs, these functions estimate the number of waveforms common across trials, their delays in individual trials, and all the waveforms.



From EEG/MEG data during stimulus-response tasks, we can obtain pure stimulus- and response-locked waveforms, which are not contaminated with each other.

It is possible to extract brain activities occuring with unknown delays after stimulus onset. Therefore, this toolbox helps us to reveal covert brain activities, such as decision making and attention.


Takeda Y., Yamanaka K., Yamagishi N., Sato M., Revealing time-unlocked brain activity from MEG measurements by common waveform estimation. PLoS One (2014); 9(5):e98014. PDF

Takeda Y., Sato M., Yamanaka K., Nozaki D., Yamamoto Y., A generalized method to estimate waveforms common across trials from EEGs. NeuroImage (2010); 51(2):629-41. PDF


This research was supported by a contract with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology entitled, 'Multimodal integration for brain imaging measurements'.