AC-PC transform

AC-PC transform

This is AC-PC transform step. The cerebrum is translated and rotated into the AC-PC plane.

(referential)Anterior and Posterior Commissures

Anterior and Posterior Commissures

  1. Click 3DTool dialog and switch to [Reslicing] tab.

    Check the "Oblique 2D" option in the "Slicing Mode" field.
    Check the "Sinc interpolation" option in the "2D-3D Alignment" field, and then set value "4".


  2. Adjust image scale to good size by clicking + or -.


  3. Click AC(Anterior Commissures) point.

    Anterior Commissures

  4. If Tra->Sag is 180, set to 0.

    Adjust the angle so that a white straight line may pass the AC point and the PC point.

    AC-PC line

  5. Switch to [Spatial Transf]tab and click the "Save.TRF" button.

    In the appearing "Save As" dialog, enter filename and click the "Save" button. FILENAME:MRI_ACPC.trf


  6. Click "Export.VMR" button. In the appearing "Save As"dialog, enter filename and click "Save". FILENAME:MRI_ACPC.vmr.

    It takes five or six minutes.


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