Talairach transform

Talairach transform

  1. Confirm window activation of the 3D tools(MRI_ACPC.vmr).

    If it does not be activated, Click the window.

    MRI_ACPC 3DTool

  2. Switch to [Reslicing]tab, and then check "Sinc interpolation" and set value to 4.

    Sinc interpolation

  3. Switch to [Talairach]tab. Click on the "Talairach reference points" drop down box.

    Select the reference point and decide the point on MRI image by clicking or using cursor keys.
    At the end, click the "SetPoint".
    Set all the following points.


    AC…Anterior Commissure. The cursor is at the position of AC if it is after AC-PC transform.
    PC…Posterior Commisure. Press repeatedly [Shift] + (up or down) to move the red cross AC point to the PC point.
    AP…the most anterior point
    PP…the most posterior point
    SP…the superior point
    IP…the inferior point
    RP…the most right point
    LP…the most left point

  4. Click "Save. TAL" button to save tarairach parameters.

    In the appearing "Save As" dialog, enter filename and click "Save". FILENAME:MRI_TAL.tal

    Save Tal

  5. To warp the cerebrum space in AC-PC into Tarairach space, click the "TalScale.VMR" button.

    In the appearing "Save As"dialog, enter filename and click "Save". FILENAME:MRI_TAL.vmr

    It takes five or six minitues.

    Tal scaling

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