Surface extraction of the head

Surface extraction of the head from MRI image.

  1. Read MRI image. (Creation of the project )

  2. Adjust the direction of the image. (Adjustment of the direction of image)

  3. In the "3D Tools" dialog, select the "3D Coords"tab and click the "Surface module" button.

    surface module

  4. In the appearing window, click the "Create mesh" icon in the "Mesh Tool Box".

    The surface module window will show a sphere, which is the mesh created as default.

    create mesh

    default mesh

  5. Click the "Morph mesh" icon. Surface of the head is reconstructed.

    head mesh

  6. We now save the created mesh. Click the [Meshes]->[Save mesh...]menu item.

    In the appearing "Save As" dialog, enter the filename and click the "Save" button. FILENAME:MRI_HEAD.srf

    head mesh