- VBMEG:階層ベイズ電流源推定法解説
Journal Paper
- Masa-aki Sato, Taku Yoshioka, Shigeki Kajihara, Keisuke Toyama, Naokazu Goda, Kenji Doya and Mitsuo Kawato, Hierarchical Bayesian estimation for MEG inverse problem NeuroImage, 23, 806-826 (2004)
- Oba, S., Sato, M., Takemasa, I., Monden, M., Matsubara, K., and Ishii, S., A Bayesian Missing value estimation method, Bioinformatics, 19, pp.2088-2096. (2003),
- Masa-aki Sato, On-line Model Selection Based on the Variational Bayes, Neural Computation, 13, 1649-1681, (2001)
- M.Sato and S.Ishii, On-line EM algorithm for the normalized Gaussian network. Neural Computation, 12(2), 407-432, (2000).
- Kin Foon Kevin Wong, Andreas Galka, Okito Yamashita and Tohru Ozaki, 'Modelling non-stationary variance in EEG time series by state space GARCH model' Computers in Biology and Medicine, In Press
- Okito Yamashita, Norihiro Sadato, Tomohisa Okada and Tohru Ozaki (2005), 'Evaluating frequency-wise directed connectivity of BOLD signals applying relative power contribution with the linear multivariate time-series models', NeuroImage, Vol.25, Issue 2, pp. 478-490
- Andreas Galka, Okito Yamashita and Tohru Ozaki, 'GARCH modelling of covariance in dynamical estimation of inverse solutions', Physics Letters A, Vol. 333, Issues 3-4, 6 December 2004, pp.261-268
- Jorge Riera, Jorge Bosch, Okito Yamashita, Ryuta Kawashima, Norihiro Sadato, Tomohisa Okada and Tohru Ozaki (2004), 'fMRI activation maps based on the NNARx model', NeuroImage, Volume 23, Issue 2, October 2004, pp. 680-697
- Andreas Galka, Okito Yamashita, Tohru Ozaki, Roland Biscay and Pedro Valdes-Sosa (2004), 'A solution to the dynamical inverse problem of EEG generation using spatiotemporal Kalman filtering', NeuroImage, Vol.23, Issue 2, pp.435-453
- Okito Yamashita, Andreas Galka, Tohru Ozaki, Roland Biscay and Pedro Valdes-Sosa (2004), 'Recursive Penalized Least Squares Solution for Dynamical Inverse Problems of EEG Generation', Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp.221-235
- 佐藤雅昭,吉岡琢,梶原茂樹,外山敬介, MEG電源の階層ベイズ推定, 日本生体磁気学会誌,Vol. 16, 148-149, (2003)]
- 佐藤雅昭,吉岡琢,梶原茂樹,外山敬介, MEG電源推定とベイズ推定事前分布 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, NC2002-148, 89-94,(2003)
- 吉岡琢,佐藤雅昭,梶原茂樹,外山敬介, MEG脳内電流源の変分ベイズ推定, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, C2002-149, 95-100,(2003)
- 吉本潤一郎, 石井信, 佐藤雅昭, 変分法的ベイズ推定法に基づく正規化ガウス関数ネットワークと階層的モデル選択法. 計測自動制御学会論文集, vol.39, (5), 503-512. (2003)
- 大羽 成征, 石井 信, 佐藤 雅昭, 変分法的ベイズ推定による混合主成分分析, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-D-6, 1055-1065, (2002)
- 佐藤雅昭, 変分ベイズ法によるMEG電源推定, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, NC2001-189, 167-174,(2002)