Tom's Bibliography (International Version)

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Shibata, T. and Schaal, S. Biomimetic Gaze Stabilization based on 
Feedback-Error-Learning with Nonparametric Regression Networks. 
Neural Networks, 14(2), 2001, pp.201-216. [PDF] [Abstract] [movie(7MB)]
Shibata, T., Matsumoto, Y., Kuwahara, T., Inaba, M., and Inoue, H
Development and Integration of Generic Components for a Teachable 
Vision-based Mobile Robot. IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatron., 1(3), 1996,
pp. 230-236. [gzipped PS] [Abstract] [home page][movie(1.8MB)]  


Go to the page of this book at Worldscientific @InBook{Shibata00c, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Robot Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach", chapter = "Biomimetic Gaze Stabilization", publisher = "World Scientific", editor = "Demiris, J. and Birk, A.", series = "Robotics and Intelligent System Series", month = "May", pages = "31-52", year = 2000 }


@InProceedings{Shibata01h, author = "Shibata, T. and Vijayakumar, S. and Conradt, J. and Schaal, S.", title = "Humanoid Oculomotor Control Based on Concepts of Computational Neuroscience", booktitle = "IEEE-RAS Int Conf Humanoid Robots (Humanoid 2001)", year = 2001, note = "(to be appeared)" } @InProceedings{Shibata01iros, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Biomimetic Smooth Pursuit Based on Fast Learning of the Target Dynamics", booktitle = "Proc IEEE/RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots and Systems", year = 2001, note = "(to be appeared)" } @InProceedings{Sethu01iros, author = "Vijayakumar, S. and Conradt, J. and Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Overt Visual Attention for a Humanoid Robot", booktitle = "Proc IEEE/RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots and Systems", year = 2001, note = "(to be appeared)" } @Article{Ude01, author = "Ude, A. and Shibata, T. and Atkeson, C.G.", title = "Real-Time Visual System for Interaction with a Humanoid Robot", journal = "Robot Auton Syst", year = 2001, note = "(to be appeared)" } @Article{Sethu01, author = "Sethu, V. and D'Souza, A. and Shibata, T. and Contadt, J. and Schaal, S.", title = "Statistical Learning for Humanoid Robots", journal = "Auton Robot", year = 2001, note = "(in press)" } @Article{Shibata00g, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Biomimetic Gaze Stabilization based on Feedback-Error-Learning with Nonparametric Regression Networks", journal = "Neural Networks", year = 2001, volume = 14, number = 2, page = "201-216" } @Article{Shibata00e, author = "Atkeson, C. and Hale, J. and Pollick, F. and Marcia, F. and Kotosaka, S. and Schaal, S. and Shibata, T. and Tevatia, G. and Ude, A. and Vijayakumar, S.", title = "Using humanoid robots to study human behavior", journal = "IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine", year = 2000, pages = "46-56" } @InProceedings{Shibata00h, author = "Kotosaka, S. and Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Humanoid robot 'DB'", pages = "21-26", booktitle = "Proc. of the Int'l Conf on Machine Automation (ICMA2000)", year = 2000, address = "Osaka, Japan" } @InProceedings{Shibata00a, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Fast Learning of Biomimetic Oculomotor Control with Nonparametric Regression Networks", booktitle = "Proc. of Int'l IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation", pages = "3847-3854", year = 2000 } @InProceedings{Shibata98b, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Biomimetic Gaze Stabilization based on a Study of the Vestibulocerebellum", series = 7, pages = "84-94", booktitle = "EWLR '98", month = "Jul." } @InProceedings{Shibata98a, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Toward Biomimetic Vision", booktitle = "Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robotic Systems", year = 1998, pages = "872-879", organization = "IEEE/RSJ", address = "Victoria, Canada", month = "Oct", note = "to be appeard" } @Article{Shibata96c, author = "Shibata, T. and Matsumoto, Y. and Kuwahara, T. and Inaba, M. and Inoue, H", title = "Development and Integration of Generic Components for a Teachable Vision-based Mobile Robot", journal = "IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics", year = 1996, volume = 1, number = 3, pages = "230-236" } @InProceedings{Shibata95a, author = "Shibata, T. and Matsumoto, Y. and Kuwahara, T. and Inaba, M. and Inoue, H.", title = "Hyper Scooter: a Mobile Robot Sharing Visual Information with a Human", booktitle = "Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation", year = 1995, pages = "1074-1079" } @InProceedings{Shibata94, author = "T.Shibata and M.Inaba and H.Inoue", title = "Instruction Use by a Vision-based Mobile Robot", booktitle = "Proc. of AAAI Workshop on Integration of Natural Language Processing and Vision Processing", year = "1994", pages = "115-121"}


@TechReport{Shibata00b, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Biomimetic Gaze Stabilization", institution = "Kawato Dynamic Brain Project, ERATO, JST", number = "KDB-TR-07", year = 2000 } @Article{Shibata99h, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S.", title = "Robot gaze stabilization based on mimesis of oculomotor dynamics and vestibulocerebellar learning", journal = "Advanced Robotics", year = 1999, volume = 13, number = 3, pages = "351-352" } @InProceedings{Shibata99g, author = "Shibata, T. and Schaal, S. and Kawato, M.", title = "Biomimetic Oculomotor Control for an Anthropomorphic Robot", pages = "149-150", booktitle = "ATR Symposium on Face and Object Recognition '99", year = 1999, month = "Jul" }