April 22, 2010 | Japanese

Sang-Ho Hyon

1) Associate Professor
Department of Robotics
College of Science and Technology
Ritsumeikan University

2) Visiting Researcher
Department of Brain Robot Interface (BRI)
Computational Neuroscience Laboratories (CNS)
Advanced Telecomunication Research Institute (ATR)


Email: or
Phone: +81-774-95-2690
Fax: +81-774-95-1236
Address: Hikaridai 2-2-2, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan


International journal and conference
Domestic journal and conference (Japanese)


Development and Control of Humanoid and Legged Robots


  • Nonlinear control theory
  • Motor control and learning
  • Postural control
  • Locomotion
  • Humanoid robots
  • Education, employment

    March 1998:
    Received the Degree of Master of Engineering from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
    (Superviser: Prof. Atsuo Takanishi)

    March 2002:
    Received the Degree of Doctor of Engineering from the Department of Control Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
    (Superviser: the late Prof. Tsutomu Mita)

    April 2002 - December 2004:
    Research Associate of Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    January 2005 - March 2005:
    Assistant Professor of Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    April 2005 - Current:
    Researcher at ATR-CNS
    (April 2005 - March 2009: Researcher at Computational Brain Project, ICORP, JST)
    (April 2009 - Current: Researcher at NICT-KARC)

    Research Project:

    Development and Control of Humanoids and Legged Robots

    Biped locomotion (Waseda Univ. 1995-1997, ATR 2005-)
    • Dynamic biped walking
    • Energy-efficient/natural walking
    • Online gait generation

    Human-following walking (with Prof. Takanishi and Dr. Jinichi Yamaguchi)

    Human-assisted walking

    Autonomous biped walking

    Whole-body compliant control and learning (ATR 2005-)
    • Whole-body balancing (postural control)
    • Contact force control
    • Compliant full-body interaction
    • Fast full-body motions

    Control of a fast walking/running robot (Tohoku Univ. 2002-2004, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2005-)

    Movie: High-jump test (only at 1/3 of maximum power) [MPG 568K]update

    Learning optimal walking/running control by symmetry and passivity (Tohoku Univ. 2002-2004, ATR 2005-, Nagoya Univ. 2005-, Gifu Univ. 2007-)

    Movie: Symmetric walking [WMV 1.5M] | Symmetric hopping [WMV 1.1M] | Simulation [MPG 1.8M]update

    Biologically-inspired design and control of a hopping robot (Tokyo Institute of Technology 1998-2001, 2005-)
    • Biomechanical design (bi-articular muscle)
    • High-speed running (with the late Prof. Tsutomu Mita)

    Movie: High speed running 2.0[m/s] [MPG 811K]

    Nonlinear control of (under-actuated) gynmastic robots (Tokyo Institute of Technology 1999-2000, Tohoku Univ. 2002-2003)
    • Optimal airbone posture control (with the late Prof. Tsutomu Mita)
    • Nonlinear feedback control of contact forces and momenta
    • High-speed handspring on a reald robot (with Prof. Takashi Emura)

    Movie: Back-handspring [MPG 547K]

    Analysis and control of passive running robots (Tokyo Institute of Technology 1999-2001, Tohoku Univ. 2002-2004)

    Movie: High speed running at 5 m/s [AVI 923K]

    Robots for education (Tohoku Univ. 2002-2004)
    e.g. Fishing robot

    Back to ATR Computational Neuroscience Labs
    April 22, 2010 | Japanese