Department HEAD
Ph.D. in Engineering
Head for our lab.
Visiting Researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
- Data-driven statistical methods for decoding from NIRS-EEG data
- Statistical signal processing, machine learning
Senior Researchers
Ph.D. in Science
- Modeling and analysis of the visual cortex based on Bayesian methods and natural scene statistics
- Computational neuroscience, machine learning, programming languages, computer science
Ph.D. in Medicine
- Neuroimaging for Creative Cognition
- EEG-fMRI simultaneous recording and its application for neurofeedback
- Neuro informatics, time-frequency analysis
Ph.D. in Engineering
- Information Retrieval
- Natural Language Processing
Ph.D. in Psychology
- Response-reinforcer relations in operant conditioning
- Stimulus control
- Social behavior
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
- neuroimaging and neural engineering
- machine learning
- neural control of movement
Research Engineers Human Sciences
- Clinical Psychology
- School non-attendance, Parent-child relationship
Ph.D. in Humanities and Sciences
- Autobiographical memory
- Metamemory
Visiting Researchers
Ph.D. in Informatics
Representative Director, Mirai Hoshu K.K.
Invited Senior Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Statistical signal processing
- Machine learning
Cooperate Researchers
- Behavioral pharmacology of pain, cough, mood and depression
Ph.D. in Pharmacology
- Electrophysiology
- Cardiovascular pharmacology
- Behavioral pharmacology of sociality and Impulsivity
Bachelor of Engineering
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology; Research Assistant at Tsuchiya Lab, Monash University
- Consciousness studies
Ph.D. in Science
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Researcher
Ph.D. in Information Science
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
- Activity recognition technologies using sensor data
- Indoor positioning technologies using sensor data
OGINO Akihiro Engineering
Associate Professor, Kyoto Sangyo University
OKUDA Jiro Disabilities
Professor, Kyoto Sangyo University
Research Collaborators
Ph.D. in Information Sciences
Professor of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland
Visiting Professor, INRIA-Saclay, Parietal Team, France
- Unsupervised machine learning
- Data-driven EEG/MEG analysis
Ph.D. in Engineering
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Researcher
- Decoding and artifact removal for BMI in real environments
- Machine learning, statistical signal processing
Ph.D. in Informatics
Postdoctoral researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
Cooperate Researcher, Department of Computational Brain Imaging, ATR
- EEG/NIRS/fMRI/MEG analysis
- Machine learning, statistical signal processing
Ph.D. in Robotics
- Navigational comfort for passenger vehicles
- Spatial cognition
- Human-centered autonomous navigation
Intern Student
Kyoto University
- Navigation
- Natural language processing
NARA Institute of Science and Technology
- Machine learning
NARA Institute of Science and Technology
- Emotion recognition
- Machine learning
Kyoto University
- EEG-based multimodal model
- Machine learning
Cooperate Intern Student
Experiment Support