
Deadline for rtFIN207 abstract submission extended July 29th!

Abstract submission deadline has been extended to July 29, 2017. Please register and do not miss this opportunity. We are waiting for your abstract submission.
Submission of Abstract is accepted via rtFIN2017 website. This website also provides essential information about the conference and has been updated with the program and so on.

Important dates
-Abstract submission: by July 29
-Notification of Acceptance: August 20
-Registration: by October 31

Date: Wednesday, November 29 to Friday, December 1st, 2017
Venue: Nara Kasugano International Forum Iraka
Mission: more details are available at here
Due date: Abstract submission: July 15,   Registration: October 31
Organizer: ATR
Co-Organizers: Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), Keihanna Research Complex

You are also able to register for two Satellite Symposiums and Technical Tour in ATR on the 27th28th of November, prior to rtFIN2017. These are Free to join.